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Gynaecology & Fertility Ultrasound


There are many different reasons you may need a gynaecology scan. This may include investigation of lower abdominal pain, ovarian cancer screening, postmenopausal bleeding, ovarian cysts, fibroid mapping and to check intrauterine contraception placement 

Scanning through the tummy requires a full bladder with the examination performed on the abdomen.

Detail from a transvaginal scan is usually much better and is very helpful in gaining information about reproductive anatomy and in the investigation of pain. This is routinely discussed with you at the time of the scan and you will decide if you wish to proceed.  

The scan takes about 30 minutes. Read more here...


At Wellington Ultrasound we use state of the art technology which is capable of providing both 2D and 3D imaging. 


Conventional 2D imaging provides a great deal of information however there are times when extending a standard gynaecological scan with 3D assessment may aid diagnosis. Reasons for it's use may include:

  • ​Variations in the shape of the uterus or endometrial cavity

  • Location of polyps

  • Location of IUCD especially if it is abnormally located

  • Investigation of recurrent miscarriages or preterm deliveries​

The scan takes about 30 minutes.


Saline infusion sonography and HyCosy (tubal patency) are specialised ultrasound procedures used to assess the inside of the uterus and the fallopian tubes.


It involves inserting a solution of contrast (either saline or Ex Foam) into the uterine cavity to better visualise the lining of the uterus and the cavity.

It is performed in conjunction with a transvaginal ultrasound to assess the pelvis.

You may be sent for a SIS or HyCoSy to investigate:

  • Fertility concerns or planning a pregnancy

  • Recurrent miscarriage

  • Bleeding issues such as postmenopausal bleeding or irregular bleeding

  • Fibroids

  • Polyps

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